
May 11, 2022

CRA Collections Efforts on CERB CRB CoVid Support

The CRA is starting to collect and issue more and more notices about overpayments of CERB, CRB and CoVid Support programs. Review the rules carefully, did you truly qualify? If you need help, contact your tax accountant. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/news/2022/05/update-on-the-government-of-canada-issuing-debt-notification-to-ineligible-canada-emergency-response-benefit-recipients.html
April 3, 2022

CERB letters

The government of Canada sent CERB payments to over eight million Canadians. Many of those may have received more CERB (Canada Emergency Relief Benefit) than they were entitled to. The government will be mailing out more than 1 million letters to Canadians reviewing their CERB eligibility. If you have any questions, contact service@ottawatax.ca