
May 11, 2022

CRA Collections Efforts on CERB CRB CoVid Support

The CRA is starting to collect and issue more and more notices about overpayments of CERB, CRB and CoVid Support programs. Review the rules carefully, did you truly qualify? If you need help, contact your tax accountant.
April 4, 2022

Check CRA Autofill

Make sure to check CRA’s Autofill for your tax return! I have seen many clients miss tax slips from Autofill. RRSP slips are usually late because the RRSP ends so late. T4As for seniors are missing this year, or have errors. Two out of three T3s show up. Even a T4 was missing. Make sure you check every slip this year.
February 20, 2022

How to Confirm CRA Called You

Here is how to confirm if the CRA called you…and not a scammer: Tell the caller you would like to first verify their identity Ask for, and make a note of their: name phone number office location Check that the call you received was legitimate by contacting the CRA at the number that you look up yourself on the CRA website before you provide any information to the caller.  Call the CRA employee back to discuss the reason for the call.
October 2, 2013

Where to learn about tax

There are a few resources from whom you can learn about tax. If you are a member of a specialized business group, they may have some key resources. There may be incubators (like that offer free seminars on topics such as HST. Newspapers, especially national ones, have specialists writing particularly about personal tax matters. Blogs and the CRA websites may also help.   Books are great resources too. For a good introduction to taxes, I recommend Evelyn Jacks’ books. They provides knowledge in proper amounts so one doesn’t bite off more than they can chew. Still, the 6-cm thick […]